Istanbul Protocol in Israel

The Istanbul Protocol in Israel: Summary of a Joint Seminar Day

This publication details the highlights of a symposium organized by PCATI and the Israeli Medical Association in February 2014. The publication explains the protocol, its implementation in legal settings and hospitals in Israel and abroad, and how it aids in the identification, documentation and provision of legal assistance to torture victims. Download the publication.

Professional Training

We organize training and workshops for both physical and mental healthcare professionals, lawyers and jurists, as well as professionals from other fields looking into claims of torture or visiting in detainment and prison facilities. The content of each training varies according to the target audience and their specific requirements, and could include imparting applicable tools

Medico-Legal Documentation

Few and rare are the cases where torture victims and survivors have access to external evidence to support their claims. Medico-legal documentation aims to right this wrong, providing advocates and healthcare professionals an ethical basis and professional knowledge to document the torture or abuse claimed by complainants. PCATI is the only organization in Israel with