Police violence

PCATI’s work in the NY Times

On the killing of Iyad al-Hallaq, police violence and PCATI’s work to tackle it. An Autistic Man is Killed, Exposing Israel’s Festering Police Brutality Problem | David M. Halbfinger and Adam Rasgon | NY Times | December 2021


Our work in days of war – May 2021 Kedma: Communities demand a just police! – April 2021 PCATI’s statement regarding the ICC decision on jurisdiction – February 2021 Shana Tova – September 2020 PCATI’s Executive Director’s farewell words – August 2020 Publication of situation report: Torture in Israel 2020 – July 2020 Webinar announcement:

Police Project

Our police project addresses issues of police violence on the legal front as well as on a systemic level. On the legal front, we dispense legal counsel and support for individuals who were harmed by acts of police violence, providing complainants with guidance and representation throughout the complaint process with Machash [Police Internal Investigation Department]