Dr. Amos Israel-Vleeschhouwer

Married to Esther and a father of four, Amos is a senior lecturer in law at Sapir Academic College and the director of the School’s LegalTech lab. Co-chaired the Jewish law association, and today serves as the deputy editor of the Journal of Law, Religion and State and volunteers at the Association of Rape Crisis

Adv. Sasha Hazan-Ifrah

Adv. Sasha Hazan-Ifrah Is the Coordinator of PCATI’s Police Project. She supports and represents individuals who have been brutalized by the Police vis-à-vis Machash – the police’s internal investigation department – and advances policy changes to improve the state’s overall response to police violence. Sasha received her LL.B. from Sapir Academic College in 2019, and

Tammy Molad-Hayo

Journalist and commentator on economics, Israel’s political scene, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and an activist for social change. Previously the presenter of Voice of Peace radio main news program and the radio’s chief editor. Legal counselor and licensed mediator. Teaches social economics at various non-academic settings.

Dr. Bettina Birmanns

Senior neurologist and the Head of PCATI’s Board since 2018. Completed an extensive IRCT training on the “Istanbul Protocol” and its teaching to professionals. Has been conducting medical assessment to victims of torture and violence for nearly a decade, and administering workshops and trainings on the “Istanbul Protocol” to various audiences, including legal and health

Mohammad Jaradat – Fieldworker

Mohammad Jaradat has been working with PCATI since 2013. As the organization’s Fieldworker, he receives referrals and collects information on violations, supports beneficiaries, and maintains contact with families of victims and partner organizations. Mohammad finished his psychology studies at Hebron University in 2002.

Efrat Shir – Training and Workshops Coordinator  

Efrat began her career in the environmental field, where she developed community projects for the preservation of transboundary water resources. She then turned to focus on refugee and minority rights, and worked as a caseworker, researcher and project manager in Israel and in the UK. Prior to her current position she worked for five years